Developments within the Astronomy Geographic Advantage Area
The Astronomy Geographic Advantage (AGA) Act of 2007 regulates allowable levels of RFI emissions within a large, specifically demarcated area, for the purposes of supporting the many internationally-acclaimed radio astronomy projects in this region. MESA assists not only with the impact assessment of new developments using our advanced propagation analysis techniques, but also with the design and implementation of the required compliance measures. MESA has assisted many mining and renewable energy-based Independent Power Producer (IPP) clients with obtaining the required certifications from the Astronomy Management Authority (AMA).

RFI Assessment for Environmental Impact
Under the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), certain projects require comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), including Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) assessments. As a company specialising in all aspects of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), MESA Solutions has the expertise to compile the RFI section, thus ensuring that, when such a report is necessary, your EIA, in this aspect, will be compliant.

Pre-Compliance Testing
EMC compliance testing is expensive - particularly in South Africa, where certified testing laboratories are few and far between. To support local industry, MESA offers not only affordable pre-compliance EMC testing, but also advice in the mitigation of potential EMC-related issues. This helps our clients to confidently submit their devices for formal EMC certification.

State-of-the-Art Shielding Effectiveness Testing of Chambers, Rooms, and Buildings
MESA has long recognised the weaknesses of traditional MIL-STD-285 and IEEE-299 shielding effectiveness tests. These rudimentary standard-based approaches fail to consider critical topics such as near-field antenna behaviour, electromagnetic modes within chambers, and source-loading effects. To address these (and other) shortcomings, MESA has developed new shielding effectivess methodologies which better consider the actual physics involved - the outcome is truer shielding effectiveness results at any scale.
EMC and RFI Support for the SKA Project
MESA has been supporting the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO, previously SKA-SA) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project since 2006. We have assisted with a wide variety of associated issues that range from applying the correct principles during hardware design to on-site characterisation and monitoring of interference related issues. Our long list of contributions toward the project include: RFI characterisation of both devices and the site; design and qualification of large-scale semi and fully-shielded structures; RFI-quiet renewable and fossil-fuel based power generation, distribution, and transmission systems; as well as earthing, interfaces, and cable layouts for lightning protection. The biggest risk to this project is RFI - and MESA is proud to continue to play a pivotal role in mitigating this risk, as it has done for almost two decades.

Short Courses (Online or In-Person)
MESA has offered many formal courses at an introductory and advanced level on topics related to EMC and metrology, with some specialist and tailored courses including reverberation chambers, network analysis and aspects related to high voltage engineering and power distribution.
With increasing hybrid work practices, the more traditional 2 - 3 day courses have evolved into 1-day and online course offerings.
MESA also produces a technical note series as part of our commitment to knowledge sharing. See Research, Publications and Technical Notes

MESA enjoys electromagnetic challenges - whether related to EMC/RFI problems or not. We enjoy assisting with the electromagnetic aspects of new product developments involving modern wireless technologies, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), wireless charging, satellites etc.
If you are interested in any of these areas, do contact us at
EMI mitigation of all elements concerned with South Africa's Square Kilometre Array (KAT-7 and MeerKAT specifically)
Real-time condition monitoring of power lines
High speed cable connector design and optimization
EMI/EMS investigation and mitigation in systems
EMI consultation on the Cahora Bassa HVDC power line
South African Navy Corvette EMC investigation
Pre-compliance testing using alternative sensors
Overhead power line transmission systems
Mining systems
Product development in connection with office network systems
EMC site validation, test planning and result interpretation
Computational electromagnetic modelling of antenna coupling on navy vessels
Unmanned aerial vehicle EMI and RFI measurements
Wide-band energy efficient comb generator
Software development for improved measurement control and analysis
RFID antenna designs
RFI impact assessments